Discovering the Therapeutic Value of Hypnosis
Often difficult to treat illnesses like erectile dysfunction (EDD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), attention deficit disorder (ADD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and a number of eating disorders, are being treated successfully with the use of advanced hypnotherapeutic techniques. Laser Treatment for Varicose Veins is also seen at large scale in Melbourne.
Hypnosis can be a powerful ally in the treatment of many conditions because it harnesses the power of the mind to modify behavior and help the body heal itself.
Seeking Treatment
Clinical hypnotherapy can be a complementary treatment for serious illness as well as a treatment for reducing stress, modifying negative behavior (like smoking), dealing with chronic pain, and exploring one’s awareness of self.
As with any serious undertaking, it is important to explore all of the available options. Hypnotherapists often specialize in particular areas of treatment, so research is necessary to find a practitioner who is suited to helping you achieve your specific goals. it’s also important to have a positive connection to a therapist in order to gain the best results from treatment. Sometimes it may be necessary to try two or three therapists to find a good match.
What You Can Expect From a Session
Sessions last up to an hour and are generally composed of a combination of exercises that help you focus, followed by visualization techniques and suggestions. There is no pain involved, and the experience is non-threatening and relaxing.
The number of sessions required will vary depending on the subject and the type of therapy involved. Some patients are very easy to hypnotize, and a small percentage of the population cannot be hypnotized at all.
There are many circumstances in which you can achieve your goals using self-directed hypnosis. This will usually consist of individualized training by a practitioner, or an instructional tutorial contained on a CD or DVD. Sometimes individualized training and an audio transcript for reference purposes will be employed.
Some practice is usually necessary in order to learn to use self-hypnosis successfully, but the convenience of a self-directed program can be worth the effort. From the safety and convenience of your home you can use the power of your mind to heal your body.
A serious commitment to therapy is important to success, and developing a solid, relaxed, and trusting relationship with your therapist, if you have one, is important too.
Hypnosis is being used to treat of a wide variety of ailments of both the mind and body, and new uses for this technique are being discovered every year. Hypnosis has the advantage of being a non-invasive alternative or complementary treatment for many conditions. Either used alone or in combination with other therapies hypnosis is a powerful and effective clinical tool whose uses are only now being fully explored.